This way to Nightwing Goodness

The day started ugly.

And I know that none of you will give a damn.

I had a big pimple between my eyes. I squeezed it. It started to bleed. It hurt.
Something was wrong with my mascara brush. I couldn’t find my black eyeshadow. I applied my blush un-evenly.

I still know you don’t give a damn.

I couldn’t choose which bottom to wear. Jeans or mini-skirt? I went with the mini.
Which bag to take with me, a handbag or a rabbit rucksack? I went with the handbag.
I couldn’t remember where I placed my hairbrush, my mirror, gums?, my chap-stick and my wallet.

I bet you’re waiting for my Nightwing goodness.

I left home. And I went back to change my bag and shoes. I swapped my bag for the rabbit rucksack. I swapped my shoes for a big-toed ankle covering sneakers, it made my feet look big. Wow, that’s a mouthful.
But big feet’s cool. That means you can take up more place of the street… which is cool, i guess.

I decided to turn myself into Wolverine.

I order 5 TPB today, yay!
I ordered the the first three volume of Runaways (digest version coz im cheap). The MUCH anticipated Runaways! Fuck, I’m so excited already!
I just have to wait for 2 weeks… grrr.
I also ordered The Flash: Secret of Barry Allen, for good ol’ Flash goodness! and Outsiders/Teen Titans: Insiders, which I was skeptical about purchasing *shifty eyes*, but i did…

So, where’s the Nightwing goodness you’re looking for?
Lets starts it now,

I was seriously planning on waiting for the Titans TPB, because I didn’t want to purchase the monthly issue. Mostly because of the pressure of ‘having to buy it every month’ . Yes, I could get a Pull-list, but my income’s unstable, meaning that i strictly rely on monthly pocket money which I tend to plurge impulsivly. So when I grow up, my dream is to have a Pull-list!

I couldn’t WAIT any longer! I bought issue #1! Now I have to go look for #2-#4, great. It exceeded my expectation.


I have new found respect for Judd Winick. Nightwing was not a Virgin Mary toast! He was actually really cool and awesome, and it wasn’t because of his looks!

And did I mention the art?
After I post this I’m gonna go find out who did it! I think I found my favourite artist!

If you don’t know what Titans is, all former member of the Teen Titans (Dick, Wally, Roy etc.’s generation) gets back together. And does whatever superheroes do.

Heeey, where’s Roy’s hand?
(clockwise: Nightwing, Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire, Donna Troy, Cyborg, Flash)

But OMG, this conversation between Roy (Red Arrow) and his daughter, Lian, is too cute!
eeeep! x]

Who would’ve thought! Mr. Skootch was the one responsible of putting waffles into the DVD player!

and naked Starfire tempting Animalman’s son… or not.

and where would I be without the Wally goodness.
I swear this issue has tons of nudity.

Guess who interrupted this amazingly interesting talk about mixing carbs and mayo? (No sarcasm intended)
The evil red goo. Curses!

and oh my…
Ho Ho Ho, I swear this issue was made for me!

*pssst* Wally! I don’t like putting carbs and mayo together either, i think that’s a decent excuse to get married. :)~

Dude, it really made me wonder why I didn’t bother buying the Titans when it first came out!
I really like Flash (Wally), Red Arrow and Nightwing. And they all happened to be in the Titans!
Schoopid schoopid Mao!


While I was at the comic book store, I also purchased The Brave and the Bold: Nightwing and Hawkman (plus Deadman).
I know I’m a week late, but… I don’t care!

They were great!
Nightwing was superb! Worth a million bucks!

Today started shitty, but I ran into TWO Nightwing goodness in one day!


Then, they made him look like a douchebag…
No, the enemy didn’t push him off the side. He ran… jumped and hoped to make it to the other side… but sadly, didn’t…

Psssh! Nightwing, a douche?!
He ain’t, brotha!

So the story in a nutshell is… Nightwing lies to the Justice League, JSA, Outsiders and Teen Titans, so Hawkman, Deadman and himself can fight a big ugly dragon who has Green Arrow captive.
It sounds lame, but it’s actually real cool :)

Mmm~, douchebags~

3 Responses to “This way to Nightwing Goodness”

  1. If you haven’t checked it out, read Chuck Dixon and Scott McDaniel’s run on the Nightwing solo series. It’s one of my all time favorite runs.

  2. hey, i was googling around some super hero stuff (i always do on my free time) and i loved the page. your great.

    Noticed somthing. the nightwing starfire sex scene inquiry, ya know, both feet facing weird dicrections.

    EXPLANATION: she is under him with her legs wrapped around.

    • haha i looked back at it and i faceplamed so hard! WHY DID I NOT REALIZE IT. I probably wanted to reject Starfire and here skanky alien rituals.

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